Spokane’s Tech Hub Featured in GeekWire

This week, GeekWire highlighted Spokane’s ambitious move to establish itself as a leader in advanced aerospace materials with the new Advanced Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center (AAMMC). The initiative focuses on developing thermoplastic composites, which promise to revolutionize the aerospace industry…

EDA Update on Tech Hubs Program

This week, EDA updated its website to include broad details about each of the 31 Designees’ proposals. While each Hub’s programs reflect their respective technology and industry focus, they are unified by the goals of the Tech Hubs program: making…

Read Our Successful Phase One Application

The E.D.A. has posted Phase 1 narratives - the five page applications that winning hub submitted to the EDA. These narratives are the pitch that the hubs presented to the E.D.A. on why each hub is critical, what technologies the hub will drive forward, and outlines a vision of how the hubs would bring regional resources together. Read our successful submission.

Spokane-Coeur d’Alene Chosen as Regional Technology Hub by the U.S. Department of Commerce

The Spokane-Coeur d’Alene region has officially been designated as a Regional Technology Hub by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA).  The American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center (AAMMC) is now one of approximately 20 Hubs nationwide eligible to compete for Phase 2 of the CHIPS Regional Innovation Hub grants of $50-$75 million.

Tech Hubs Aim to Make U.S. the Global Leader in Technologies of the Future

Interview with Eric Smith, Regional Tech Hubs Program Director: ‘Our goal is to enable the Tech Hubs that we designate and fund to capture more of their focus industry’s market share globally. These investments inject regions with an extra boost to generate more innovation, more services, more products, and more sales in a particular technology area.’

Aerospace Leaders, Universities & More Unite for Inland Northwest Tech Hub Application 

The proposed site of the American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center is pictured: a large warehouse at sunset with a parking lot and cars.
Leading aerospace companies and research universities have joined nearly 50 area workforce training, venture capital, economic development, labor, tribal and government groups in the Inland Northwest to support establishing the American Aerospace Materials Manufacturing Center (AAMMC). If selected, the AAMMC tech hub will establish a world-class testbed for production, commercialization, and entrepreneurship in the Inland…